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A New Learning Space at Allardt Elementary


A greenhouse is going up at Allardt Elementary! This greenhouse was purchased for students to learn about planting, caring for, and harvesting vegetables. Students will also be able to grow flowers in this new learning space. With the addition of the new CTE classes in grades 6-8 study agriculture and will be able to share that knowledge with younger students. Selling plants, vegetables, and flowers will be a way this project can be sustained over the years after the grant is completed.

Fentress County Schools is very excited to have this new learning space for our students. A big THANK YOU goes out to the Foundation for Rural Services (also provided two new microscopes) and our Governor for investing in Career and Technical Education (CTE) at the middle school level.

This picture shows the frame of the new greenhouse being put up by the Fentress County Schools Maintenance Department. This has certainly been a group effort by the Director of Schools, Board of Education members, Mr. Ryan Reed, and many others. Pine Haven, York Elementary and South Fentress will have greenhouses coming soon!

Great things are happening for our students as more and more partnerships are formed to allow Fentress County students new learning opportunities.